I try to be thankful for all things. I know that God loves me... as he does you too. I know he takes care of me. Below is a story that happened recently that gives an example of giving thanks to something that at the time does not seem like something to be thankful for. Keep in mind I am NOT a writer!
My car was not accelerating properly at times, it was actually scary at times when I would pull out into traffic and my car did not respond right away. So I took it into the shop to get it fixed. They looked at it and determined it needed some standard up-grades to the transmission and the spark plugs cleaned. So a few hundred dollars later my car was ready to get picked up. My husband was driving my car back home, I was following him about half way home he called and asked if I saw anything dragging under the car. I said "No, why" and he said "there is a very loud noise like something is dragging" We made it home and he lifted up the hood and could see nothing. He called the mechanic and they wanted me to bring it back. I got in the car and it sounded terrible. Of course about 2/3 of the way there it stopped making the noise. When I got there the mechanic wanted me to drive him around so he could hear to noise. Of course after driving around 15 minutes we never heard it. We were getting ready to pull into the shop and I asked if there was somewhere we could go that I could accelerate and get up to a higher speed. He directed me to a freeway on-ramp that was up hill. I stepped on it and it responded the same way it often did in the past. Fortunately the "check engine" light came on and they were able to take it into the shop and hook it up to the computer. They gave me a ride home while we waited to hear what was wrong with my car. Here is the AMAZING part. Apparently on our way home from the shop after our car "was fixed" somehow a plastic bag got sucked up into the engine, hence the horrible noise and the smell that something was burning. Because of that bag we brought our car back into the shop and they were able to find out what was really wrong. It was something major that thankfully covered under our warranty which will be expiring in a few month. I am THANKFUL for the bag stuck in the engine. Usually we do not see the positive results of a difficult time so quickly, but know that God takes care of us therefor we need to be thankful in the moment. To view more positive messages for your home click here
Focus on Today... Let God Worry About Tomorrow
Here is another "MESSAGE ON THE MOVE". How many of us drive around worrying about things we are not in control of. Thinking about the "What IF's..." This little car decal can serve as a reminder to us and the people around us that ...We do not need to worry about what MIGHT happen tomorrow. How things look today does not mean that it WILL happen tomorrow. So why worry? I use to worry about everything! God has defiantly lead me down a road of teaching me that HE is in control. I have learned this valuable lesson from events that have happened in my life, the many sermons I have listened to over the years and some key scripture verses. Some of the scripture verses have helped me in this area of my like are - Matthew 7:11 "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" and Luke 1:37 "For nothing is impossible with God" So, if he wants what is best for me... and Nothing is impossible for God, so Why should I worry??? Why should anyone worry??? To order the above "MESSAGE ON THE MOVE" click here
Suround yourself in God's Word

Messages on the move...
Messages on the move is the name I came up with for car decals that send positive a message. It seems that everywhere you look there are negative messages on cars. My "ex"... , or piss on..., or even swear words for the world (including kids) to read. I have seen very little POSITIVE and ENCOURAGING messages on cars. The amazing thing is IF IT IS ON A CAR IT WILL BE READ! Don't get me wrong, there are some positive things out there for example the little boy or girl praying at the cross, or the fish (which is a symbol of Christianity). The stick people families and of course the decals supporting your child's sport or school.. These are all nice but the options are limited. I have designed some car decals that are meant to encourage the people around us, and/or point them to God. I also think this is a great tool to us in witnessing to others. You can get a message to someone you might otherwise never talk to. My plan is to continue making "messages on the move" at least one new saying a week. I will post my NEW car decal each week so if there is not something I already have designed that you like, keep checking back or let me know your thoughts and together we can design something. Someday I hope to see more positive things around us to focus our attention toward, instead of the negative. My web-site is a mess at the moment. Many of the car decals are listed under wall words or quotes. If you look at the size that will be a good indication of what it is. Of course I can take anything and make it smaller to make it a car decal, so if you see something you like and you want it to be a decal just let me know.
My web-site should have it's new look and be organized correctly by the middle of October so please be sure to visit. click here to go to Applied Expressions.
My web-site should have it's new look and be organized correctly by the middle of October so please be sure to visit. click here to go to Applied Expressions.
Can You Name 40 Things You Are Thankful For?

Messages on the move... I made this car decal so that when someone is sitting in their car and they are behind you reading your decal they can begin to start focusing on the things in their life they are happy for. Anyone (even those who are bitter and angry) can come up with just a few and it will not change their mood, but to come up with 40 things they will begin to change their mind set. When we focus on positive things... we will begin to see the positive things in all areas of our life.
Click here to view more images like this.
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